Thursday, 6 January 2011

This Room's The Greatest Arsenal We Could Have

So apologies once again for the utter infrequency of updates in this blog. Were I the type of person to make new year resolutions I'd aim to do better for 2011. I'm not but nonetheless I will so not only do I have a backlog of reviews I've got other cool stuff to write about such as experiencing watching A Christmas Carol on BBC America and the general day to dayness of being a Who fan.

In the meantime below is the list of Doctor Who books I read in 2010, in the vaguely chronological order in which I read them.

1: The Happiness Patrol

2: The Ambassadors of Death

3: Search for the Doctor

4: Shooty Dog Thing

5: Doctor Who and the Deamons

6: The Pirate Loop (See our interview with Archie the Space Badger in TTZ9, written exclusively for us by Simon Guerrier)

7: Doctor Who and the Giant Robot

8: Full Circle

9: Endgame [The 8th Doctor Graphic Novel not the EDA]

10: Decalog 5: Wonders

11: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Dead Man Diaries

12: Remembrance of the Daleks

13: Time Unincorporated vol 1

14: I, Who

15: A History of the Universe

16: Doctor Who Annual 2006

17: Placebo Effect

18: Players

19: Look Who's Talking

20: The Mythological Dimensions of Doctor Who (Which features an essay written by Leslie!!)

21: Rift War

22: The Glorious Dead

23: The Completely Useless Doctor Who Encylopedia

24: The World Shapers

25: Chicks Dig Time Lords

26: The Highest Science (See my review of it in TTZ8)

27: Licence Denied

28: Doctor Who - The Making of a Television Series

29: The Quantum Archangel

30: The Caves of Androzani

31: Crisis in Space

32: Counundrum (See my review of it in TTZ8)

33: The Kings Dragon (Reviewed in this blog here. See also our exclusive interview with Una McCormack in TTZ9)

34: Managra (Reviewed in this blog here)

35: Made of Steel (Reviewed in this blog here)

36: I, Who 2

37: Ace!: The Inside Story of the End of an Era (Reviewed in this blog here)

38: Head Games (Reviewed in this blog here)

39: The Only Good Dalek

40: The Infinity Doctors

Meanwhile I often start a book but am unable to finish it. There are various reasons for this and isn't necessarily a reflection on the book. For Doctor Who I attempted but didn't manage to finish the following:

1: The Myth Makers

2: Decalog 4: Re:Generations

3: Peter Davison's Book of Alien Monsters

4: Doctor Who and the Ribos Operation

5: Doctor Who and the Zarbi

6: The Room With No Doors

7: Atom Bomb Blues

8: Short Trips: How The Doctor Changed My Life

9: Cybermen

10: The Diary of a Doctor Who Addict

11: Time Unincorporated vol 2

12: The Night of the Humans

13: The Dominators

Don't worry I do have a life outside Doctor Who and in 2010 I also read (if you're interested!):

The Lovely Bones, Polk, Major, Chamberlain, I Saw You..., Kick-Ass, The Bristol Board Jungle, The Groovy Greeks, An Utterly Impartial History of Britain (or 2000 Years of Upper Class Idiots In Charge), The Lodger - Shakespeare on Silver Street, Vote for Who?, The Book of General Ignorance, Epileptic, Blaze of Glory, Doomsday World, Harlequin Valentine, The Completely Useless Star Trek Encylopedia, The 34th Rule, Hitler - My Part in His Downfall, Rommell? Gunner Who?, Monty - His Part in My Victory, Perverting the Course of Justice, The Blair Years, Hotel Babylon and World War Z

Last but by no means least I did recieve Doctor Who books for Christmas and so already on the to read pile in the next few days are:

1: Script Doctor

2: The Dark Path

3: Burning Hearts

4: The Brilliant Book of Doctor Who!

5: Single White Who Fan

Tell me about your fave Doctor Who books and I'll add them to the never ending to read pile!.

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