Sunday, 15 May 2011

WHORSOR (Part 2)

I guess there's a character limit as it wouldn't let me post the whole thing all in one go.

March 2011

1: Leslie and I went to the Fitzroy Tavern on the first Thursday of the month when Doctor Who fans meet regularly. We have been to the Tav before but only for the Flashing Blade Winter Warmer. We couldn't stay for long but we met Glenn who has contributed to a past issue of TTZ and become friends on Facebook plus Ollie, the editor of fellow fanzine Panic Moon (highly recommended) and Lea who does the Tav zine Venusian Spearmint

2: Also this month we had Tea with Nyder! Read TTZ10 for the full interview with actor Peter Miles who very graciously gave his time to Leslie and I. I still intend to write up in more detail the madness of that day but for now I'll highlight the most surreal moment which was watching DVDs of Colditz (The TV series not the Big Finish play!) whilst Sturmbannfuhrer Schmelling himself sat next to us grinning!

3: More Doctor Who memes on Twitter, this time #doctorwhotvmashups or which I've contributed

* Holby City of Death

* Terrynation Street

* The Greatest Peep Show in the Galaxy

* Sec's in the City

* Love in the Time of the Rani #oktechnicallyitsabookslashfilm

* The Pandorica Opens All Hours

* Primeval of the Daleks #thesewordsareblasphemy

* Bok the Week

* Spitting Image of the Fendahl

* That Mitchell and Webb of Fear

* Rising Damp of the Cybermen

* The True Naked Civil Servant of Sutekh the Destroyer

* Button Moonbase

* Brass Eye of Harmony #wherenextformanraisedbymacra

4: Actual conversation between me and Leslie

Me: "...Suhtek's bum hand aka Scratchy"
Leslie: "Why Scratchy?"
Me: "Cuz he was for scratching Suhteks bum!"
Leslie: "Nooo, he was there to prop him up!"

5: Leslie and I went to Swansea for the book launch of Another Country, a collection of Welsh haiku in which she's published (Get your copy here).

Whilst there we went to Swansea Uni library which doubles as the Royal Hope hospital in Smith and Jones and the Kardomah cafe where they filmed the 10th Doctor and Wilf's conversation in The End of Time.

In the evening we ate in Pizza Express and were amazed to find a quote from Russell T. Davies emblazed in big letters across the wall!

We were in Swansea the same night as comic relief and I pledged £11 which was a quid per Doctor. I also promised to pledge a further quid for every retweet of my message and by the end of the night we'd raised £69.

There you go, I think that more than made up for not writing in so long. I leave you with some links to other cool folk and Doctor Who goodness!

Den of the Rothwoman

The Doctor Who Book Podcast

Gallifreyan Pancakes

The Patient Centurion

The Search for the Truth

Staying In Watching 'Doggie Who'

Who Mix

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