Sunday, 20 February 2011

OK Kid, This Is Where It Get's Complicated

Transcript of the Back2theWhoture team livetweeting The Big Bang for inclusion in TTZ10

Flashing black to The Eleventh Hour throws everything left field. What's gonna happen?

Much kudos to the young girl who plays little Amy. Isn't she fantastic?

It's a shame Big Al had to pull out of tonights B2TW. Frances Ashman who plays Amy's therapist is his sister.

This episode is taking a very interesting turn, you never know what's going to happen next and it really drags you along

It's quite Ghost Light with the museum coming to life in Amelia's mind

The Pandorica is Opening again!

Seb wants to know why it opened so quickly this time compared to last episode

RT @SueDavies7of9 @TerribleZodin WD40 I expect.

So who expected THAT?!

Seb notes this is the bit on original broadcast where he just thought all bets are off, anything can happen!

RT @The_Arn @TerribleZodin And you know what's brilliant? It's a diversion from the main arc story. The universe being destroyed is only a side effect

BANG! Go Rory, excellent punch

Rory, the most human human

Is that Nick Briggs as the voice of museum guide?

And then Stone Daleks come to life! This story just twists and turns!

The internal logic of all the time shifts is hanging together well

A DEAD DOCTOR from 12 mins in the future!

Seb speculates future Doc said... "David Tennant wants his job back!"

Future Doc collapsing dead is very Time Travelers Wife (film version) down to the shot of him falling down stairs

Leslie squees for the Guidhall in Swansea!

That is some fearsome technology is a piece of git despite exploding can enact protocols to save people inside it

Swappable head. Now I'm getting images of River bonking Pertwee!

RT @Cloister_Belle @TerribleZodin On the Brigs desk in UNIT

@Cloister_Belle Big Bang 3?

BANG! Doctor exterminated! This is a really exciting story!

Rule One - The Doctor Lies!

TARDIS explodes, destroys universe. TARDIS explodes, saves universe. Moffat! *shakes fist* #barrowman!

We've all been sitting in stunned silence! What's gonna happen next?!

I wanna go to Space Florida!

Ok so hands up all the clever clogs who spotted it was a "future Doctor" in Flesh and Stone?

Ok now we're picking apart the narrative. How can the Doctor be there the night Amelia waited? Hard to condense argument in to 140 chars.

Gist - Doctor didn't return so how can he on the rewind?

All brides are sexy. Discuss.

RT @Sue_Stokes @TerribleZodin Dot Cotton on her wedding day to Jim??

I forgot to mention Aya is wearing a bow tie! #bowtiesarecool

Something Old. Something New. Something Borrowed. Something Blue. GENIUS!

Is that the Doctor dancing or Matt Smith dancing?

YAY! So what did we all think of The Big Bang?

So if the Doctor has been brought back as a figment of Amy's imagination, has he got 13 new lives? *cough* Brain of Morbius *cough*

Dammit, conversations about time travel get very confusing!

Ok we're taking a brief break for nibbles and then we're rewinding back to the Hartnell era for The Time Meddler

The great thing is Time Meddler is BRAND NEW to both Seb and Aya. Imagine!

Unfortunately we've checked TFL for last tube and we're gonna have to defer Time Meddler otherwise Aya won't be able to get home

Dissapointing but it means we've got Time Meddler to look forward to!

Thanks to all who joined us for the livetweeting tonight and hope you enjoyed.

RT @AyaVandenbussch Tonight I realised that Back2TheWhoture is what was missing in my life! I also now want to adapt @TerribleZodin as my Who family.

RT @bromley001 @TerribleZodin I know who River Song is. It's Alex Kingston.

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