Transcript of the Back2theWhoture team livetweeting The Pandorica Opens for inclusion in TTZ10
Shopping for nibbles for tonights B2TW. Considered big soda cups like young Amy at the museum! Jelly babies were a definite
The original B2TW team has reunited for first time in a year as Robert is over from Colombia and we'll be joined by @AyaVandenbussch
RT @AyaVandenbussch Going for a Who evening with The heart and soul of @TerribleZodin will be a perfect ending for this brilliant weekend of geeky glory!
Sadly Big Al has just called and has to drop out of tonight's B2TW :(
Ok well the B2TW gang are assembled, kettles on and we'll be live tweeting shortly on The Pandorica Opens/Big Bang then The Time Meddler
Ok children are you sitting comfortably?... #DoctorWho The Pandorica Opens. Go! #B2TW
From France 1890 - London 1941, we think sweeping epic is on the way
Very interesting use of past episodes to build suspense
"You're phoning the time vortex" Erm... what?
Seb thinks River Song looks like Moll Flanders ho ho!
If this is the 51st Century how old is Liz X?
Although technically 5145 is the FIFTY SECOND century
You gotta admit that River Song has style
Longest pre-titles sequence every by the way.
Sorry, this story is zipping along so nicely, I'm forgetting to type!
So what do we think is inside the Pandorica?
RT @PatrickAureus @TerribleZodin Rose!
RT @ramble818 @TerribleZodin giant jack-in-a-box?
RT @unamccormack @TerribleZodin Can't be chocolate, someone would have had it open ages ago.
If River and the Doctor are both scanning how come they don't register there's a headless armless Cyberman wondering around?
I'm still sad we don't get to see the Chelonians on screen. Maybe next season?
Yay! It's Matt Kerr as Chief Roman! #PressGang
Matius Kerrix?
Great scene as River describes how the Romans must appear to Barbarians and Matt Kerr gets it!
Another great scene with the Doctor / Amy and the ring
So who do we all think is the mysterious Roman soldier?
RT @WhoBlogLiveFeed @TerribleZodin I have to admit, from the minute they said "you have a volunteer," somehow I knew it was Rory.
It DOES bother Aya that Amy's life doesn't make sense (She's not Amy's biggest fan)
Give the Cyber Arm the ring!
Is this one of the scariest Cyber scenes ever?
RT @ParrotKnight @TerribleZodin Yes, a very scary Cyberscene - brings back the body horror which brains-in-suits didn't quite manage!
Amy Pond almost gives the Cyberman head. #doctorblue
When are we gonna see Cyberman from our universe? (Not that they're any better as the Cybermen are naff)
RT @franzseabrook @TerribleZodin These *are* the Telosian cybermen, albeit not explicitly stated. Just no budget for a re-design in S5. Cyber ships a clue...
@franzseabrook Are they though? Don't they talk about the walls of universes breaking down?
RT @franzseabrook @TerribleZodin Yes, in the context of the TARDIS exploding. And the skull in the head suggest Telosian. And the Mazes game shows the tombs.
IT'S RORY!!!!!!!!!!
The Doctor / Rory reunited is a hoot, especially the blokey inability to talk about anything
Pandorica Easter Eggs? "The tastiest chocolate in the universe!"
The Doctor's speech is slightly undermined by the fact he sounds drunk!
I really really hate this DS9 wormhole rip off thunder bolts & lightening time vortex
Rory asks "Why am I here?". In the context of this story, does the explanation actually make sense?
SILENCE WILL FALL........ Who do we all think is the voice behind the silence?
RT @PatrickAureus @TerribleZodin Prisoner Zero. it sounds so much like him!
@PatrickAureus That's actually who I think it is too!
RT @Lokster71 @TerribleZodin It's the Great Intelligence
Leslie is guessing the Silence Voice is the pre-Hartnell Philip Hinchcliffe Doctor from The Brains of Morbius! #Canonwhatcanon?
"The burrrrn marks, see them?" Whoops, wrong episode!
Seb thinks Matt Kerr looks like Meat Loaf!
Ohhhhh The Pandorica is opening!!!
Daleks! *whispers* I know I'm in a minority but I don't think the iDaleks are so bad
Why are the Judoon in on this deal?
RT @ParrotKnight @TerribleZodin Presumably the Doctor's arrest is mandated by the Shadow Proclamation? He's not their favourite person post-Stolen Earth.
How many people thought Amy was really dead?
RT @flaysomewench @TerribleZodin I don't think anyone fell for that!
Oh look it's all the Doctor's greatest enemies! But where's Koquillion? The Steel Octopus? The Terrible Zodin?
@franzseabrook I think you're right because the Cyber Leader gave an 80s "excellent" hand gesture!
RT @franzseabrook @TerribleZodin Yes, I noticed that too. Very David Banks :)
Eeeep! Silence has fallen. And the whole universe has been destroyed.
RT @WhoBlogLiveFeed @TerribleZodin Or as we say on ihasatardis, "I accidentally the universe."
So what did we all think of The Pandorica Opens? And tweet us your theories on who River Song is
RT @datadivajf @TerribleZodin Amy and Rory's daughter - which makes Amy Doctor's mother-in-law.
Robert thinks this is and I quote "BEST. EPISODE. EVER!". Bear in mind he saw An Unearthly Child on original broadcast, so praise indeed!
Ohh Robert also came up with an interesting theory of who the voice is but it's so good I'm saving it for the article proper
Leslie and Seb think the episode is still as exciting on second viewing as first time
For those who've scurried back to their copies, did we see the book of Romans / Pandora's Box in The Eleventh Hour or Flesh and Stone?
Question - Is the episode any less satisfying knowing what's in the Pandorica?
RT @amarismoon @TerribleZodin No, that episode still freaked me out. I still get chills when the Doctor's talking about the "nameless" evil inside - only coming to find out he was unknowingly talking about himself. Terrifying. Bloody amazing.
We were all quite quiet whilst watching as we found the episode so absorbing.
Leslie didn't really like Rory first time round but in this episode found herself really invested in his return
Seb also wasn't keen on Rory joining the TARDIS crew at first, thinking it would be too Rose/Mickey but when he came back bang all bets off
Group unanimous in praise for Arthur Durvill's comic timing.
Aya was genuinely shocked when it was Rory who killed Amy
Again group is in agreement that we'd have really have liked The Pandorica Opens to have been the season finale and left us on cliffhanger
Seb thinks if Rory had stayed dead it would've been an interesting dynamic for Amy having nobody but the Doctor in her life, no anchor home
Also tell us which crap monster you would've most like to have seen turn up at the Pandorica? My vote is for the Mandrels!
Aya is drawing parrallels with the use of time travel in the show Misfits but none of the rest of us have seen it! Is it good?
We're all quite looking forward to a potential episode when the Doctor meets River for first time from HER point of view
RT @Jeffrey__Scott @TerribleZodin I was hoping to see the Ogri - as seen in Stones of Blood.
So if you're all sitting comfortably... Unpause, we're moving on to The Big Bang. Thanks for all your comments so far.
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