Sunday 24 October 2010

If You'd Had Your Shoes On My Boy You Could Have Lent Her Hers!

Transcript of the Back2theWhoture team livetweeting The Keys of Marinus for inclusion in TTZ9

The Sea of Death!

#DoctorWho of old seemed to enjoy making buildings out of tobelerone!

Why did the TARDIS land silently?

Haha nice line about the Doctor not having colour television!

Ohhh creepy acid fish thingies, almost proto-type Cybermats.

"Impossible at this temperature. And besides its too warm!" #billyfluffs

Why hasn't Ian changed out of his togs from Marco Polo but the rest of the TARDIS crew have?

RT @perfectchichi Ian kept his Marco Polo clothes on cause Barbara likes them XD #doctorwho

Scuber diver from hell!

Won't Ian's shoes be really stinking if they've been trekking through the Gobi desert for months?

That submarine looks pretty flimsy to travel through acid seas

Who said story arcs were a new invention? Barbara talking about Central America forshadows The Aztecs in the next story

Haha all the TARDIS crew falling through revolving walls!

Voord attacks Susan. It's the Radio Times Front Cover!

Why was the Voord with a knife in his back just hanging around waiting to attack someone. Shouldnt he be trying to pull the knife out!

Arbitan looks like Mr Copper! #voyageofthedamned

RT @The_Arn Arbitan's the only actor to appear in Doctor Who and Citizen Kane by the way...

On the other hand isn't Yartek the hero? Everyone on Marinus was under mind control? Are the Voord bad just cuz they're slimey?

RT @m_robertson_UK Strong parallels with The Keeper of Traken. There might be no evil, but does anyone have free will?

Is Ian wearing eyeliner?!

The Velvet Web!

It's the psychedelic city of Morphoton

The incidental music is all very dreamlike...

The First Doctor loves his fruit doesn't he! nom nom nom

Nice little chat between Ian and Barbara about applying their humancentric standards to alien cultures,

Creepy old head - ancestor of the Face of Boe

Kudos for the POV shots between Barbara's perspective and the rest of the TARDIS crew.

The brains in the jar are Bug Eyed Monsters - very anti Sydney Newman

How blind are they not to see Barbara!?

No machine can ever replace the human body. So much for the Cybermen!

"I will explain all in good time" #doctorwho

Hmm they didn't really make it clear what the first key was

The Screaming Jungle!

I thought the Doctor was jumping ahead with Altos?

Creepy creepers!

Ohh Barbara got ass grabbed by the grotesque idol. Clever idol!

It's very Indiana Jones before there was Indiana Jones

PIVOT! #pointlessfriendsreference

Ian just want to be alone with Barbara, he luuuuurves her

Tiime for Ian's ass massage

Ohh very Warrior's Gate with the falling axes

"It's pretty solid" Ian says of a wobbly door

Why doesn't Ian go fetch the axe?

Eww Ian's sex face!

But Arbitan didn't warn them about all the traps. I think he really is the villain

It's like they're in a homicidal B&Q!

Oh no, they've gone from bad to worse! It's the Snows of Terror!

And... we're stopping there for a tea break. DVD paused. Thanks to everyone who's chipped in their comments so far

The Keys of Marinus is a completely new story to me. I'm really enjoying it so far. I'd always been under the impression that it'd be dull

That opinion based on "recieved fan wisdom" but also Philip Hinchcliffe's dire novelisation which I never finished. #doctorwho

Ok and we're back now with The Snows of Terror, episode 4 of The Keys of Marinus

Eeep Wolves!

No wonder Altos is freezing, he's got no pants on!

Yay! Ian kicks ass!

Well that rope bridge wouldn't meet my Health & Safety standards

Hmm Terry Nation is already recycling The Daleks, ravine to jump across? Check!

RT: @ParrotKnight ISTR the story was written in a hurry after Mac Hulke's Hidden Planet fell through - Verity etc. turned up at Terry's house and wouldn't leave until he accepted the commission.

Ice Sword Fighting! Cool! (If you'll excuse the pun)

It seems a bit out of character for Ian to grin as one of the Ice Warriors (No relation) plumments to their death!?

Oh no! Ian boffed on the head by assailant(s) unknown!

During a heist?

Now - The Sentence.... of DEATH!

Probity check. Sounds painful

A character called Tarron. How very Nationesque

Ian's been charged with murder! This episode takes an interesting turn

It's the Doctor! Yay! (Billy's back from holiday then)

Murder Most Rare! would be a good title

#linesthatneverhappened Ian - "What can I do?" Doctor - "Don't go murdering anybody else hmmm?"

"I can't improve..." #billyfluffs

He's a rubbish murderer!

RT @crassuswild is it the first Who instance of the false accusation of murder?

@crassuswild Of a TARDIS crew member? I think yes. In general? No, Za was falsely accused of killing Old Mother in the 1st story!

#Cherchezlafemme So it was her all along!

She's going to brain Susan with a hairdryer?!

I bet the key is inside the mace!

Isn't it mighty convenient that every time they need to use the travel bracelets there's a black curtain to stand in front of?

Ah the old wear a hood over my head and pretend you can't come near cuz I have a deadly disease trick!

If you mean the machine is going to blow up then just say that!!!

What's up with the gyrating Voord in the back ground?!

And that's the end of that! #DoctorWho The Keys of Mariunus

Fiona Walker?! Karla was Lady Peinfort!!! #doctorwho

1 comment:

  1. Aw give them a break about the black curtain thing, you saw how Raymond Cusick felt about the sets!
