Monday 11 October 2010

What A Predictable Response

Thirty Days of Doctor Who Meme*

Q: What is your favourite Doctor Who quote?

Difficult one. After all there is more than 40 years to chose from.

I doubt I'm alone in this but I find myself quoting Doctor Who a lot in every day life. Usually though it's lines which by themselves aren't necessarily the funniest, cleverest or wittiest but they seem to fit the situation. I'm also a good mimic/impressionist so I usually put on the right voice for it.

Luckily my girlfriend is a big Doctor Who fan as well so luckily she gets most of my quotes and why and sometimes she'll even do them back to me.

It's hard to describe exactly but an example of the things I'll say to her at random junctions include:

"Abase yourself you grovelling insect!"

"Light burning bright in the heart of the interior!"

"I heard a cry."

"The reading is free if you have red hair."

"Surely it's Susan."

"This was OUR world first!"


It's not surprising of course, I'm on a group on Facebook called Oi! 'Arry! Customer! which is dedicated simply to quoting lines from Remembrance of the Daleks. And rightly so because it's full of choice lines. It's a rare a day goes by that something doesn't trigger me quoting from there, whether "It is not good!", "Nothing so mundane" or "Davros... I should have known."

Though it may be hard to believe these quotes are usually triggered by a context.

Take earlier for example. Leslie and I were discussing groceries as we placed our order for Tesco online and it gave me cause to squeal "PICKLED ONIONS! YEAH!" in an impression of Jackie Tyler in the episode World War Three.

Speaking of the Tylers, I frequently put on a comedy old ladies voice and pretend to be Ma Tyler from Image of the Fendahl, though usually I have her say obscene and explicit things because I love to see the shocked look on Leslie's face when I do. If I can make an innuendo out of it I will ("Ted Moss has trimmed my verges") but most of the time I'll just say a rude word which always sounds funnier in a mummerset bumpkin accent.

I also like doing the sound effects. Wendy Padbury noted this on one of the DVD extras for The War Games - "Boys like making noises", as Fraser Hines on retelling an anecdote put in lots of sound effects. The one I do most often is from The Five Doctors, the silly sting that occurs when the Master walks down the musical staircase (If you're a true hardcore Doctor Who nut, you'll know what I mean!

But anyway? My favourite quote. There are so so many to chose from like I said and so many gems. But for sheer bloody poetry and because for a very long time it did seem like it was the final word, I was always very fond of the Doctor's monologue as he and Ace walked off in to the sunset at the end of Survival.

"There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, and the sea is asleep, and the rivers dream. People made of smoke and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice, somewhere else the tea's getting cold. Come on, Ace; we've got work to do."

* I make no guarentee I'll do one a day!

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